Money Management 4 Kids
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Why it Works

As adults, many of our lives are characterized by a constant and overwhelming concern with money. A lot of our daily burdens can be directly linked to our desires, fears, misunderstandings and emotional relationship with money. This financial anxiety and distraction creates stress which clouds our judgment and relationships and holds us back from achieving our family, personal and professional goals, limiting our lives and living the way we truly desire.

As we grew older, many of us became accustomed to this way of life and simply accepted that this is the way the world is and would always be. But in reality we all had the opportunity to create our own journey for financial opportunities yet many, instead decided to inherit limiting money management skills, beliefs and attitudes from their parents, friends and family… as children.

Thus, Money Management 4 Kids was designed for 9-to-12-year-old children because long-term, healthy money-management habits are formed within this age range. During this period, children are just beginning to develop and recognize their own individual cognitive thoughts, feelings, and self-worth associated with and towards money. At this critical stage of development, children have an unlimited potential to learn how to think and feel about money, and how to earn, build, manage, and enjoy it free of guilt and personal conflict.

There are three predominant views which apply to our unique approach.

The Cognitive View- which refers to all thoughts, feelings, and emotions which drive behavior. For instance a child with a belief such as, ‘money is scarce’ –will have a difficult time achieving or enjoying financial stability.

The Psychodynamic View – How unconscious urges motivate behavior.

The Sociocultural View – How ones personal environment influences their behavior.

Thus, starting the wealth building process around the age of 9 is critical and will provide a child with an important head start in the wealth-building process.

"Teach economy: that is one of the first and highest virtues. It begins with saving money".

- Abraham Lincoln

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