Money Management 4 Kids
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ABS Learning Systems teaches children positive thoughts and attitudes about money. They begin to establish a healthy relationship with money and avoid the unnecessary stress and anxiety associated with creating, building, maintaining, and spending it, learning to be free of guilt and personal conflict.

The Money Management 4 Kids program strongly emphasizes interaction as well as the ability to communicate, collaborate and effectively negotiate. A take home economy and money awareness workbook (fun book) engages the children in a real world application and allows them to learn while having fun.

Our Goal to teach children how to obtain and manage wealth, to be financially responsible, and to become independently wealthy by the average age of 39.

What We Hope to Accomplish to create equal access to critical financial information and literacy skills, providing an opportunity whereby all children’s lives are defined by the possibility of unlimited and uninterrupted prosperity, rather than by boundaries. to show children how to make sound financial decisions based on their own personal aspirations rather than on peer-induced status envy, so they can manage debt and create long-term, income-producing assets.

Our Promise to develop curriculum which teaches to view money as a form of energy, and how to harness and use that energy to become financially savvy, confident, and able to make responsible financial decisions. to help graduates achieve a financial and cognitive comprehension level that exceeds the average college educated adult.

Bold, yes. Achievable, we’ve already done it!

‘The journey of a thousands miles begins with the first step’.

- Confucius

ABS Learning Systems, LLC
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