Money Management 4 Kids
How it Works Product Description Credentials Giving Back
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1. What Makes the Money Management 4 Kids Program Work?

We designed the program for 9-to-12-year-old children because long-term, healthy money-management habits are formed within this age range. During this period, children are just beginning to develop and recognize their own individual cognitive thoughts, feelings, and self-worth associated with and towards money. At this critical stage of development, children have an unlimited potential to learn how to think and feel about money, and how to earn, build, manage, and enjoy it free of guilt and personal conflict.

2. Why Should Children Enroll?

Children won't learn how to be financially responsible in most schools. On April 27th, 2005, The New York Times reported that "Many have poor grasp of basic economics." The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis reported that the "U.S. personal savings made up 1.6 percent of disposable personal income as of fourth-quarter 2004."

No school curriculum comes close to what we have to offer. Not only does our program teach sound financial concepts, but it also teaches children how to think about money and how their emotions can govern their financial decisions. We have taken great care to design a curriculum that seamlessly combines the practical with the psychological aspects of money.

3. What Results Can Be Expected?

You can expect your students to acquire effective money management and investment skills that will provide a lifelong ability to make informed, rather than reactionary financial decisions.

4. What are the Long-Term Expectations?

We bring together experts in education, financial management, child psychology, personal coaching, business, and entrepreneurialism in order to give your students the necessary intellectual and emotional tools to cope with his or her financial future.

To help decide if MM4K is right for your student, take a few minutes to review how you feel about money. You might be surprised by your answers!

• What is your first memory of money?

• Who was the first person who taught you about money?

• What is the first thing you remember associated with money?

• How do your memories affect how you deal with money today?

• What limits your thoughts about money?

• What negative thoughts do you have about money, and how have they kept you from pursuing your dreams?

• If you had learned financial literacy skills earlier in life, how would that affect you today?

ABS Learning Systems, LLC
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